Former News



News and Events 


February 2025 - "XReco plenary meeting 2025". GTI attended the XRECO project plenary session gathered in Turin.

February 2025 - "The Use of Extended Reality in Cognitive Therapy for Individuals in Psychosocially Vulnerable Situations".

February 2025 - "Day of Women and Girls in Science 2025": Susana Ruano: from GTI to the forefront of artificial intelligence.

January 2025 - "UPM Research Award": Narciso García has been awarded the Senior Research Award.

January 2025 - "GTI at PTS2025":  Showcasing Cutting-Edge Virtual Production Technology.

November 2024 - "Professor Lea Skorin-Kapov at GTI":  Talk on User Experience (UX) and Quality of Experience (QoE).

November 2024 - "Data Engineering (2024)":  Data Engineering at ETSIT (UPM): Welcome to the Future of Data Engineering!

November 2024 - "Innovation & Inclusion": GTI & Incluverso5G Project at Science Week 2024.

October 2024 - "Filippo Casu at GTI": Detection of Alzheimer's Dementia using Large Language Models applied to spontaneous speech.

October 2024 - "XRECO Plenary Meeting": GTI in XRECO Plenary Meeting.

October 2024 - "MediaPro": MediaPro visits GTI's immersive laboratory.

October 2024 - "End of Master Project (TFM)": Innovative solution to estimate the respiratory rate in children using LiDAR sensors.

September 2024 - "IBC 2024". GTI at IBC 2024 in Amsterdam.

September 2024 - "IMG-VQEG Meeting". GTI in IMG-VQEG Meeting at CWI on Immersive Media.

July 2024 - "6G-OpenVerso-Holo Project". Free ViewPoint Video (FVV Live) in the 6G-OpenVerso-Holo Project.

July 2024 - "2nd International Summer School 2024". Second Edition of the International Summer School on Extended Reality Technology and Experience.

June 2024 - "QoMEX 2024 ". International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience.

June 2024 - "IMX’24". Innovation highlighted at ACM IMX 2024 by the GTI.

June 2024 - "AnimalMotionCLIP". Embedding Motion and Dense Frame Inputs in CLIP for Animal Behavior Analysis.

March 2024 - "Arch Linux Installation from 0".  On March 22nd, the GTI organized a new internal session entitled "Arch Linux Installation from 0".

March 2024 - "IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces ".

March 2024 - "3rd meeting of the 5G Forum". Narciso García presented the UPM-ETSIT 5G/B5G/6G Ecosystem.

March 2024 - "The Realverse". Pablo Pérez delivered the talk: "The Realverse – challenges in XR communications".

February 2024 - "Airbus/GTI Working Session". Representatives from Airbus and NASA explore GTI's Initiatives, discuss future projects, and experience advanced technologies in a fruitful meeting.

February 2024 - "Day of Women and Girls in Science 2024". GTI showcases the talent, dedication and achievements of its female researchers.

December 2023 - "Data Engineering". Data Engineering at ETSIT (UPM): An Unlimited Technological Adventure!.

December 2023 - "General Antonio Remón Zarco del Valle Engineering Chair 2023 ". 

November 2023 - "2023 E-nnova Health Award". GTI and hospital 12 de octubre receive the 2023 E-nnova Health Award.

October 2023 - "Global Mobility Call". GTI attended the Global Mobility Call, that took place at IFEMA Madrid.

October 2023 - "INCLUVERSO 5G". INCLUVERSO 5G will have no limits!

October 2023 - "VIBRA project". Discover innovation in the detection of respiratory problems in childhood with VIBRA!.

September 2023 - "How to create any custom object in TensorFlow? ". 

July 2023 - "International Summer School 2023". International Summer School on eXtended Reality Technology and eXperience organized by GTI.

June 2023 - "Workshop on IMmersive Mixed and Virtual Environment Systems". 

May 2023 - "Summer School 2023". International Summer School on eXtended Reality Technology and eXperience will be organized by GTI.

March 2023 - "Madrid is Science: Looking to the future". GTI attended the 12th edition of the exhibition "Madrid is Science: Looking to the future".

March 2023 - "AI and the Charity Festival "Por Girasoles".Marta Orduna, PhD student in the GTI, wins the second prize.

March 2023 - "The Association of Technical Telecommunication Engineers awards a final degree project of the ETSIT ".

February 2023 - "Optitrack 3D motion capture and tracking".

February 2023 - "C.I.T.SOFTWARE Y S.MULTIMEDIA". GTI received the visit of CITSEM.

February 2023 - "UPM2T: FVV Live". GTI's FVV Live technology received the finalist award in the “UPM2T: The Deep Technology Enterprise Validation Program”.

January 2023 - "Final Review meeting". The Grupo de Tratamiento de Imágenes attended the final meeting of 5G-RECORDS at NOKIA Spanish headquarters.

December 2022 - "Communication Technology Changing the World Student Competition".

November 2022 - "Cátedra Ingeniero General D. Antonio Remón y Zarco del Valle award".

November 2022 - "IX Congreso Nacional de I+D en Defensa y Seguridad - DESEi+d 2022 ".

October 2022 - "2022 E-nnova Health Award". GTI receives the 2022 E-nnova Health Award.

October 2022 - "IEEE ICIP 2022". Carlos Cortés and Narciso García attended the IEEE ICIP 2022 Conference.

September 2022 - "Immersive Media, a new challenge for the quality of experience".

July 2022 - "UC3: Live Immersive Content Production". NOKIA, GTI and Telefónica demonstrated their leading use case: "Use case 3: Live Immersive Content Production".

July 2022 - "Digital Summit (DigitalES)". Marta Orduna Cortillas, researcher at GTI has participated at the Digital Summit organized by DigitalES.

June 2022 - "How does interaction analysis influence the success of the metaverse?". 

June 2022 - "ACM IMX 2022". The third edition of the ACM IMX, took place in Aveiro, from June 22-24, 2022. 

June 2022 - "Meiji University, Tokyo ". Yoshiaki Shishikui visited our Lab on Monday June 13th, 2022. 

May 2022 - "NOKIA at GTI". Last May 24th GTI had the visit of Nokia XR Lab. 

April 2022 - "ACM CHI Conference 2022". Marta Orduna attended ACM CHI Conference in New Orleans.  

April 2022 - "SomosCientíficos-Spring zone". Marta Orduna has participated at SomosCientificos Spring zone promoted by Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología.  

March 2022 - "Realverse: A telecommunication approach to eXtended Reality".  

March 2022 - "Ph.D thesis Andrés Bell". "Few-shot learning techniques for challenging applications: automatic mineral and vehicle recognition". 

February 2022 - "#escaparates11F". Marta Orduna participated in the initiative #escaparates11F that promotes and gives a voice to women involved in STEM. 

February 2022 - "International Day of Women and Girls in Science ".

February 2022 - "Using Deep Learning and CNNs to make a hand gesture recognition model".

January 2022 - "Kawasaki disease". Mathematical analysis to aid in the diagnosis of this disease.

December 2021 - "UPM2T v.2". Good news! GTI's FVV-Live technology was the runner-up at UPM2T.

November 2021 - "UPM2T". GTI is participating in "UPM2T: The deep tech venture validation programme".

July 2021 - "Live Immersive Content Production". GTI and Nokia teams have taken a significant step forward in the integration of the UC3.

March 2021 - "Ph.D thesis José Luis Herrera". "2D to 3D Image and Video Conversion using Machine Learning".

February 2021 - "Bi3D". On February 10th at 12:00, Virtual seminar.

February 2021 - "Multi-UAV online mission planning". Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), such as drones, are becoming very popular because they can access difficult locations for humans.

December 2020 - "GTI scientify seminar series: Summarization of User-Generated Sports Video". On December 14th at 12:00, Virtual seminar.

November 2020 - "GTI scientify seminar series: Personal identifiability". On November 30th at 12:00, Virtual seminar.

November 2020 - "GTI scientify seminar series: Combinatorial Optimization". On November 11th at 12:00, Virtual seminar.

October 2020 - "GTI scientific seminar series: Method for Classifying a Noisy Raman Spectrum ". On October 26th at 12:00, Virtual seminar.

October 2020 - "GTI scientific seminar series: Latency impact on Quality of Experience in a virtual reality simulator ". On October 19th at 12:00, Virtual seminar.

October 2020 - "GTI scientific seminar series: Stimulus Sampling with 360-Videos". On October 5th at 12:00, Virtual seminar.

July 2020 - "ICME 2020". The GTI received the Best Demo Award at the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo for its work on FVV Live.

June 2020 - "QoMEX 2020". The paper “Influence of video delay on quality, presence, and sickness in viewport adaptive immersive streaming” was accepted at QoMEX 2020 and has been presented by Carlos Cortés in a virtual reality room.

April 2020 - "COVID-19". Since last 27th March, the GTI has been collaborating on the provision of protective equipment needed these days by sanitary professionals, residences, pharmacies, police, etc.

March 2020 - "#stayathome ".

March 2020 - "2020 IEEE VR Diversity Scholarship". Marta Orduna, a PhD student at GTI received the 2020 IEEE VR Diversity Scholarship.

March 2020 - "IEEE VR 2020". Marta Orduna was selected to participate in the IEEE VR 2020, where she presented her work entitled “Quality, Presence, and Emotions in Virtual Reality Communications” and the paper poster “Evaluating the Influence of the HMD, Usability, and Fatigue in 360VR Video Quality Assessments”.

January 2020 - "V&I TN Tech Award At ICDP-19". FVV LIVE, GTI’s real-time free viewpoint video system, was awarded the 2019 IET’s Vision and Imaging Technology Award (First Prize in the General Category) to the best technology in the field of Vision and Imaging.

December 2019 - "The digital transformation of the Armed Forces" Tomás Mantecón, GTI researcher, received the award for his Ph.D thesis: "Advanced face and gesture recognition for visual HMI".

December 2019 - "Siamese Networks for Few Shot Learning". Machine learning, and especially deep learning, has achieved state-of-the-art performance in a variety of applications using large database".

October 2019 - "Pablo Pérez from Nokia Bell Labs in GTI". On October 31st at 5 p.m., Dr. Pablo Pérez from Nokia Bell Labs will give a lecture entitled "An Exciting Journey: From Blade Runner to Stranger Things, 20 years of digital video".

October 2019 - "Hand gesture recognition for HMI". A real-time hand gesture recognition system has been developed by UPM researchers to improve the Human Machine Interaction (HMI).

July 2019 - "FVV LIVE". GTI attended the New Tech Observatory (Málaga).

July 2019 - "Ph.D thesis Gianluca Cernigliaro". Complexity and Quality Optimization for Multi-View plus Depth Video Coding.

June 2019 - "Seminar Carmen Doblado". Enhanced Situational Awareness for Automatic Aerial Refueling.

May 2019 - "Seminar Andrés Bell". Automatic mineral recognition from hyperspectral images of cores using a deep learning framework.

April 2019 - "ICCE 2019 Best Poster Video Award". "App for session monitoring and subjective quality assessment of 2D and 360VR video in real time" received the "3rd Place CCE 2019 Best Poster Video Award (Viewer's Selection)".

April 2019 - "GTI Seminar: Rafael Pagés". Volumetric video: challenges to go mainstream.

March 2019 - "GTI Seminar: Raquel Dueñas". Deep Learning System for Music Detection.

March 2019 - "GTI Seminar: Alberto Alós". Congestion Control for Cloud Gaming over UDP based on Round-Trip Video Latency.

March 2019 - "VQEG (Video Quality Experts Group) - VINEDO". At the 2019 spring VQEG meeting in Berlin (Germany), hosted by Telekom, Narciso García presented the workplan for the analysis of the performance of objective quality metrics for immersive 360VR content.

February 2019 - "GTI Seminar: Julián Cabrera". "Depth map estimation using CNNs". Depth map estimation from multiple views is a still open problem present in several application domains such as Free Viewpoint Video, Augmented Reality or autonomous navigation vehicles.

February 2019 - "GTI Seminar: Carlos Cortés". "Camera network for people tracking and identification". Direct digital frequency synthesis, atmospheric optical communication system, atmospheric turbulence modeling and serial communications

January 2019 - "CES 2019". Narciso García from the Grupo de Tratamiento de Imágenes at the UPM, visited CES 2019 in Las Vegas.

January 2019 - "ICCE 2019". Narciso García attended the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics.

December 2018 - "Tratamiento de Imágenes para Fotografía Cinematográfica". Se presentará una selección de trabajos realizados en el grupo Image Processing for Enhanced Cinematography de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra.

December 2018 - "Innovative technologies in exploration and mineral detection". The Grupo de Tratamiento de Imágenes attended the workshop on “Innovative technologies in exploration and mineral detection”.

December 2018 - "GTI awarded the Lumier Award for the Best Paper". GTI was awarded the Lumiere Award for the Best Scientific Paper at the International Conference on 3D Immersion/Stereopsia in Brussels on December 2018.

November 2018 - "Ph.D thesis Susana Ruano". "Augmented reality over video stream acquired from UAVs for operations support". Augmented reality (AR) has become, due to recent technology developments, a fast-growing discipline.

November 2018 - "VQEG (Video Quality Experts Group) - AAVP". Narciso García presented the preliminary results of the novel application of the well-known Video Multimethod Assessment Fusion (VMAF) metric on 360VR contents, outcome of a project with Nokia Bell Labs.

November 2018 - "VQEG (Video Quality Experts Group) - FTV ". Within the activity in IMG, Narciso García presented the results of an innovative FTV quality assessment that considered two research questions: How the subjective quality of synthesized view trajectories is evaluated? and How the quality of immersiveness / interaction is evaluated?.

November 2018 - "Ph.D thesis Tomás Mantecón". "Advanced face and gesture recognition for visual HMI". Many solutions have been proposed to allow a more natural and intuitive human-machine interaction thanks to the advent of new devices that improve the quality of interaction of keyboards and mouses.

November 2018 - "Vision2020 visits the GTI". The Crowdhelix Network held its annual RTO Members' event on the 6th and 7th of November 2018, kindly hosted by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

November 2018 - "Dr. Pablo Pérez from Nokia Bell Labs in GTI". On November 8th at 3 p.m., Dr. Pablo Pérez from Nokia Bell Labs will give a lecture entitled "A thrilling experience: From Blade Runner to Stranger Things, 20 years of digital video".

October 2018 - "Retrieving Events in Life Logging". The AILabGTi team won the international challenge Lifelog Moment Retrieval subtask (LMRT) at the ImageCLEFlifelog2018 with the work entitled "Retrieving Events in Life Logging".

September 2018 - "European Researchers’ Night". GTI’s researchers made activities based on computer vision applications of machine learning and deep learning to image analysis.

September 2018 - "Ph.D thesis Ana Maqueda". From traditional multi-stage machine learning to end-to-end deep learning for computer vision applications". The renaissance of Deep Neural Networks in the era of big data have changed the paradigm of machine learning.

September 2018 - "GTI UPM YouTube". New GTI YouTube channel.

June 2018 - "CVPR 2018". "Event-based Vision meets Deep Learning on Steering Angle Prediction for Self-Driving Cars", in collaboration with University of Zurich and ETH Zurich at CVPR 2018.

April 2018 - "Business Creation Competition Awards". The idea “Spaces 2.0 for commerce and business” presented by the GTI is one of the 10 winners of the 15th actúaupm Business Creation Competition.

March 2018 - "VQEG - Bustop". At the 2018 spring VQEG meeting in Madrid (Spain), hosted by Nokia Bell Labs.

February 2018 - "Doctoral Graduation Awards of the UPM". Jesús Gutiérrez received one of the Doctoral Graduation Awards of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM).

February 2018 - "HGR-nIRC". Hand gesture recognition with near-infrared cameras: Technology for controlling generic electronic devices and appliances (PC, washing machine, fridge, air conditioning, etc.) through hand gestures.

February 2018 - "HGT-CC". Hand gesture recognition with color cameras: Technology based on hand gesture recognition using just a color camera for controlling TVs, tables, mobiles, etc.

January 2018 - "ICCE 2018". The Grupo de Tratamiento de Imágenes attended the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2018).

January 2018 - "CES 2018". Narciso García from the Grupo de Tratamiento de Imágenes at the UPM, visited CES 2018 in Las Vegas.

November 2017 - "VQEG (Video Quality Experts Group) - Bustop". At the 2017 autumn VQEG meeting in Krakow (Poland), Narciso García presented some results on device characterization for content adaptation, outcome of a project with Nokia Bell Labs.

November 2017 - "VQEG (Video Quality Experts Group) - Monalis". At the 2017 autumn VQEG meeting in Krakow (Poland), Jaime Ruiz of Nokia Bell Labs presented an overview of 3GPP 5G Video KPIs within Celtic-Plus Monalis, a project with GTI.

November 2017 - "VQEG (Video Quality Experts Group) - Movise". The 2017 autumn VQEG meeting has been held in Poland and the GTI Nokia Bell Labs Spain are involved in the following VQEG working groups: AVHD, Ultra HD, Hybrid Perceptual/Bitstream, and IMG.

November 2017 - "4K-HDR SUMMIT 2017". GTI and Nokia took part in the 4KSummit 2017 in Málaga.

November 2017 - "Intel Code Modernization Workshop 2017". GTI attends Intel Code Modernization Workshop 2017 in Madrid.

November 2017 - "UPM_innovatech 2T Challenge". A technology developed by the Grupo de Tratamiento de Imágenes "The human-Aware Spaces" is one of the nine finalist technologies of the 2nd edition of the UPM_innovatech 2T Challenge.

October 2017 - "Seminar by Professor Julián Cabrera Quesada". Seminar "Stochastic optimal control of HTTP Adaptive streaming" by Julián Cabrera Quesada 12pm, 24 Oct at Trinity College Dublin.

October 2017 - "Advanced Video Coding and OTT Video Distribution". Narciso García, Pablo Carballeira and Césat Díaz offer the course :"Advanced Video Coding and OTT Video Distribution" at IKUSI Velatia.

October 2017 - "EBU VR WORKSHOP AT CROSS VIDEO DAYS 2017". Enhancing the next VR generation: How can we improve the quality of VR? Collaborative research proposal by VQEG & Nokia Labs - Jesús Gutiérrez, Pablo Pérez y Narciso García.

September 2017 - "From Blade Runner to Stranger Things, 20 years of digital video". On September 22nd at 3 p.m., Dr. Pablo Pérez from Nokia Bell Labs will give a lecture entitled "From Blade Runner to Stranger Things, 20 years of digital video".

July 2017 - "Seminar about Compressive Sensing and Big Data". Seminar about Compressive Sensing and Big Data in the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería in the institution Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Capacitación de Telecomunicaciones (INICTEL-UNI) in Lima.

July 2017 - "ORV 2017 in Málaga". GTI and Nokia Bell Labs took part in the ORV 2017 in Málaga.

July 2017 - "DASH-IF Grand Challenge". Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP, hold during the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo 2017 in Hong Kong.

July 2017 - "Ph.D thesis César Díaz: Design and Optimization of Protection Strategies Based on the Pro-MPEG COP3 Codes for Time-sensitive Multimedia Streams". This thesis proposes strategies to improve the performance of the Pro-MPEG COP3 codes without compromising their simplicity and preserving their encoding and decoding procedures.

May 2017 - "Ph.D thesis Filippo Casu: Optimization of Protection Techniques Based on FEC Codes for the Transmission of Multimedia Packetized Streams". This thesis presents two enhanced FEC-based schemes to protect real-time packetized multimedia streams in bursty channels.

May 2017 - "Paper accepted in IEEE Signal Processing Letters 2017". Subjective Assessment of Super Multiview Video with Coding Artifacts.

January 2017 - "SFO Detection". Detection of static moving objects using multiple nonparametric background-foreground models on a Finite State Machine.

January 2017 - "IEEE ICCE 2017 and CES 2017 ". GTI visited CES 2017 and attended the IEEE ICCE 2017.

November 2016 - "Intel® Code Modernization Workshop". The Grupo de Tratamiento de Imágenes attends the Intel® Code Modernization Workshop in Madrid on November 15th .

November 2016 - "VQEG (Video Quality Expert Group)". The Grupo de Tratamiento de Imágenes attends the VQEG meeting hosted by Sky in London.

October 2016 - "ACIVS 2016". Tomás Mantecón was invited to ACIVS 2016 to present his paper: "Hand Gesture Recognition using Infrared Imagery Provided by Leap Motion Controller".

October 2016 - "GTI in the 116th MPEG meeting in Chengdu". The Grupo de Tratamiento de Imágenes participes in the 116th MPEG meeting in Chengdu (China).

October 2016 - "2016 International Graduate Student Fair". GTI is present at the 2016 International Graduate Student Fair in China.

September 2016 - "IEEE 2016 ICCE-Berlin". GTI attended the 6 th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Berlin (“ICCE-Berlin”).

September 2016 - "Computer Vision and Image Understanding". Labeled dataset for integral evaluation of moving object detection algorithms: LASIESTA.

September 2016 - "URSI 2016 ". In URSI 2016, in addition to the usual thematic areas, it has sought to strengthen other areas of the field of telecommunications: Biometric Recognition, Image and Video Processing, and Audio and Speech Processing".

September 2016 - "Paper accepted in IPTA2016 ". Paper accepted in International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications: "Fast feature matching for detailed point cloud generation".

September 2016 - "Paper accepted in ACIVS 2016 ". Paper accepted in International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems 2016: "Hand Gesture Recognition using Infrared Imagery Provided by Leap Motion Controller".

July 2016 - "Grupo de Tratamiento de Imágenes in 360º ". The GTI has been testing the Samsung Gear 360º camera.

July 2016 - "Pozalagua cave in S3D ". "Agueda Simó used the SGO’s Mistika 2K system available in the Living Lab for the editing, compositing, colour grading and finishing of Stereo 3D content shot by her from the Pozalagua Cave.

July 2016 - "End of Master Project Virginia Martín ". "Design, optimization and evaluation of an adaptation algorithm based on Q-Learning for HTTP Adaptive Streaming" This work proposes a control algorithm for an adaptive-streaming client based on Q-learning techniques.

July 2016 - "End of Degree Projects in GTI ". "Development of virtual reality 3D graphics visualization tools", "Study and implementation of strategies for geo-registration of aerial images " and "Study and implementation of strategies for automatic discrimination of abandoned and subtracted objects in video surveillance environments".

July 2016 - "Brainstorm in the Dem3DTV". "Brainstorm visited the Dem-3DTV of the Grupo de Tratamiento de Imágenes.

July 2016 - "End of Degree Project Fernando Lago". "System implementation for automatic association of images of a soccer match with a synthetic model of the soccer field " Today, the content broadcast on sporting events, such as soccer, have achieved great relevance.

June 2016 - "Lecture by Shrikanth Narayanan". Behavioral Signal Processing: Enabling human-centered behavioral informatics" by Shrikanth Narayanan.

June 2016 - "Telefónica I+D in the Dem3DTV". David del Val Latorre, Chairman and CEO of Telefónica I+D visited the Dem-3DTV of the Grupo de Tratamiento de Imágenes.

May 2016 - "Video Quality Workshop". GTI participed in the Video Quality Workshop at the Professional Audiovisual Technology Show, BIT Broadcast 2016, organized by Nokia within the MoViSe project.

May 2016 - "Bit! Broadcast 2016". GTI attended the Professional Audiovisual Technology Show, BIT Broadcast 2016 where almost one hundred top professionals will discuss key questions for the industry.

May 2016 - "Eurographics Conference: Seamless, static, multi-texturing of 3D meshes". In the context of 3D reconstruction, we present a static multi-texturing system yielding a seamless texture atlas calculated by combining the colour information from several photos from the same subject covering most of its surface.

April 2016 - "Ph.d thesis Daniel Berjón: Parallel Computer Vision Algorithms for Graphics Processing Units". The evolution of smartphones, all equipped with digital cameras, is driving a growing demand for ever more complex applications that need to rely on real-time computer vision algorithms.

April 2016 - "Ph.d thesis Rafael Pagés: Multi-textured 3D humanoid reconstruction through passive and active automatic techniques". The proliferation of video games and other applications of computer graphics in everyday life demands a much easier way to create animatable virtual human characters.

January 2016 - "Ph.d thesis Jesús Gutiérrez: Analysis of quality of experience in 3D video systems". This thesis presents a comprehensive study of the evaluation of the Quality of Experience (QoE) perceived by the users of 3D video systems, analyzing the impact of effects introduced by all the elements of the 3D video processing chain.

January 2016 - "IEEE ICCE 2016". GTI visited CES 2016 and attended the IEEE ICCE 2016.

December 2015 - "The GTI attended at the 20th Edition of the #3Dday". 4K and HDR are still hot topics in the industry. SGO and Canon invited two exceptional guests to share their thoughts, insight and experience working with 4K and HDR, at the Academia de Cine in Madrid on the 3rd of December, 2015.

December 2015 - "3rd Workshop UPM innovatech "Innovation by Connection"". Fernando Jaureguizar, an Associate Professor of GTI, participated in the round table on "Example of Innovation by connection: Successful Case in the UAVs Sector”.

November 2015 - "LASIESTA (Labeled and Annotated Sequences for Integral Evaluation of SegmenTation Algorithms)". LASIESTA is composed by many real indoor and outdoor sequences organized in diferent categories, each of one covering a specific challenge in moving object detection strategies.

November 2015 - "Subjective QoE analysis of HTTP adaptive streaming applications". This thesis investigates the influence of dynamic quality adaptation on the QoE of streaming video by means of subjective evaluation approaches.

June 2015 - "The International Symposium on Consumer Electronics". From 24–26 June 2015, the Technical University of Madrid [Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)] hosted the International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE).

February 2015 - "Seminar about programming". Seminar about programming based on data flow in South Campus SA review of the data flow computing models used in the description of complex algorithms to be implemented with multicore architectures will be performed. Some open source modelling tools will be also introduced.