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End of Master Project (TFM): "Innovative solution to estimate the respiratory rate in children using LiDAR sensors"

Last September 26, 2024, Isabel María Rodríguez Márquez successfully defended her end of Master Project entitled “Design and implementation of a solution to estimate the respiratory rate from texture and depth videos”, obtaining the grade of outstanding (10). Under the supervision of professors Julián Cabrera Quesada and Jesús Gutiérrez Sánchez, the project has developed a pioneering system that uses a LiDAR sensor from an iPhone 14 Pro to measure respiratory rate in children.

The system combines RGB images and depth data to detect movements associated with breathing, addressing the specific challenges of working with children, a group that presents irregular breathing patterns and difficulty in holding still.

This innovative work by GTI, in collaboration with Hospital 12 de Octubre, has significantly improved accuracy over previous methods developed as part of the VIBRA project.

It is expected that this advance will allow earlier detection of respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, helping to reduce infant mortality.


ISA TFM 2024